Three ways to increase your body’s resilience to toxins by boosting antioxidants
As I promised in my previous post where I dissected the relationship between disease and toxins, here comes a few #nontoxicsteps on how to increase your level of health-promoting antioxidants.
The unifying theme is of course food. What we eat matters. A lot. Our food choices either make us sick or heal us.
Please keep in mind though that antioxidants alone will not be able to help you much if you don’t remove sources of toxicity in your life!
- Sayer Ji “Regenerate”
- Universidad de Barcelona “Organic tomatoes contain higher levels of antioxidants than conventional tomatoes, study suggests” (2012) https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/07/120703120630.htmin Journal of Cancer Science and Therapy
- Rashid Buttar “8 ways to keep the doctor away”
- Joel Fuhrman “Super Immunity”