Simple non-toxic pregnancy checklist
According to the widely-publicized study from 2005, researchers tested placental cord blood of a day-old babies for 413 industrial chemicals incl. PCBs, mercury, DDT, dioxins etc. It was found to be positive for 287 of them out of which 180 were carcinogens. Many more studies later published similar findings proving that toxins we inhabit in our environment cross the placenta. In other words, we give birth to pre-polluted babies…
Luckily, this doesn’t mean that our newborns will necessarily develop cancer or any other disease. Below are a few #nontoxicsteps I’ve taken during my 3 pregnancies to reduce the risk:
1. Both you and your partner should detox well in advance of pregnancy
Stress, poor diet, pollution, exposure to certain household chemicals or skin-care products all have an impact on your health. Avoiding endocrine disrupting chemicals may also help if you’ve been struggling with infertility
2. Don’t over-rely on prenatal vitamins
Prioritize a well-diversified diet heavy on organic wholefoods as the main source of nutrients instead of counting on synthetically derived vitamins to do the trick.

3. Get a comprehensive blood test done
This way you’ll find out what you are possibly deficient in. Sometimes taking too much of certain synthetic vitamins included in multivitamins can be as harmful as too little. If you choose to take prenatals, buy whole-food based ones.|
4. Try to get rid of negative emotions
Negative emotions is one of the most toxic and dangerous forms of oxidative stress. Prolonged stress can increase chances of having a premature or low-birthweight baby. Meditate, sleep/nap, do breathing /relaxation/mindfulness and/or moderate physical exercise to calm your mind
5. Avoid EMF radiation
Reduce EMF radiation from wifi cell phones, laptops, ultrasounds and other electronic devices. Scientific studies on rats have observed changes in the rat’s offspring exposed to EMF while developing in the womb.
6. If possible, avoid induction
If not medically necessary, avoid getting induced. Pitocin (synthetic version of oxytocin) induction is more likely to result in a vacuum-extractor, forceps delivery or a cesarian section because of fetal distress stemming from too strong uterine contractions