Food-grade diatomaceous earth

(1 customer review)

10.95$ incl. VAT

This Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is 100% food-grade and consists of at least 85% silica, which is a completely natural substance.


Silica plays a huge role in lots of body functions and it has an immediate relationship with mineral absorption.


How Diatomaceous Earth Works
  1. As it moves through the stomach and digestive tract, it attracts and absorbs bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses, endotoxins, pesticide and drug residues, E-Coli, and heavy metals. These toxins are trapped and passed out of the body. In addition, any larger parasites that happen to be in the stomach or digestive tract are killed by the DE.
  2. Diatomaceous Earth is very hard. On the hardness scale where diamonds are a 9, DE is a 7. This is very important, because as those millions of tiny hard and sharp DE cylinders pass through the small and large intestines, they “scrub” the walls. After a few months of taking DE, the intestine wall is no longer coated with mucus and molds leading to regular bowel movements and a healthier colon.
  3. A small amount of Diatomaceous Earth gets absorbed into the blood stream as silica. You can find more information about the incredible benefits of silica below!



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Diatomaceous earth is made from the fossilized remains of tiny, aquatic organisms called diatoms. Their skeletons are made of silica. Over a long period of time, diatoms accumulated in the sediment of rivers, streams, lakes, and oceans. Today, silica deposits are mined from these areas.


What is silica?


Silica is very common in nature and makes up 26% of the earth’s crust by weight. Various forms of silica include sand, emerald, quartz, mica, clay, and glass. Silicon, a component of silica, does not exist naturally in its pure form. It usually reacts with oxygen and water to form silicon dioxide. Silicon dioxide has two naturally occurring forms: crystalline and amorphous. Most diatomaceous earth is made of amorphous silicon dioxide. However, it can contain very low levels of crystalline silicon dioxide.



How to use DE:


In a large glass of water, use 1-3 full teaspoons of DE on an empty stomach first thing in the morning or before bed. If you are taking DE in the morning, do it well before breakfast to allow DE time to move through and absorb toxins from the digestive tract without interfering or absorbing nutrients from foods or liquids.


Since it will not dissolve, stirring several times while drinking will prevent settling.

Some people experience higher energy levels after taking DE, so keep it in mind before taking it right before sleeping.\


NOTE: make sure you always use food-grade DE


Here are some of the well-known benefits of silica:


  • Silica works with other antioxidants to prevent premature aging and to preserve youthfulness
  • Silica stimulates metabolism for higher energy levels.
  • Regulates high blood pressure
  • Improves digestion and leads to more regular bowel movements
  • Leads to better liver and colon functioning
  • Improved detoxification and removal of heavy metals
  • Rich in nutrients and minerals including: silica, magnesium, silicon, calcium, sodium, iron, titanium, boron, manganese, copper and also zirconium
  • H inhibitory effects on coronary diseases.
  • Improves joint, bone and ligament health. Osteoporosis is a symptom of the aging. As calcium in our body system depletes, our bones become brittle and weak. Taking only a calcium supplement doesn’t help because the body cannot assimilate and make use of the calcium without the presence of silica. Research suggests that supplemental mineral calcium alone doesn’t improve bone density. For osteoporosis, silica can stop the pain and even restore the bodies’ self repair process. Silica is responsible for the depositing of minerals into the bones, especially calcium. It speeds up the healing of fractures and also reduces scarring at the site of a fracture. Even when calcium is insufficient, the body can turn silica into calcium that the bones need.
  • Leads to healthier skin.  Tissue degeneration accelerates due to aging when connective tissue develops an increasing inability to retain moisture when left unassisted. Silica can help slow the degenerative process of connective tissue. With silica, vitality and life, which are often lost as the years accumulate, can be naturally maintained or even restored to your skin. Collagen, largely made up of silica, is the glue that holds us together. If our body has enough silica, the collagen will make us look younger. Silica helps with skin problems and injuries including itching, rashes, abscesses, boils, acne, calluses, warts, eczemas, burns, frostbite, benign skin sores, insect bites and bed sores. Also, silica may help fade age spots
  • Silica is a major component of hair. At 90 micrograms per gram, hair is almost as rich in silica as are healthy bones, which contain 100 micrograms per gram. Using a good silica supplement (such as DE) helps prevent baldness, stimulates healthier hair growth and assures beautiful shine, luster and strength.
  • Hardening the enamel, silica prevents cavities and preserves teeth. Silica also prevents bleeding gums, gum atrophy, and recession that causes the loosening of teeth, which could ultimately lead to tooth loss. Silica effectively fights ulceration and the decay of bones and teeth and also lessens inflammation.
  • Silica will beautify the appearance of your nails and improve their hardness, making them shinier and less prone to breaking.


Additional information

Weight 0.350 kg

1 review for Food-grade diatomaceous earth

  1. J

    JUDITH (verified owner)

    Love it in my morning coffee! Gives my nails & hair much needed vitamins.

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