From the desert to the jungle
And so we made the BIG MOVE. Again. As a soon to be family of five.
6.5 years ago newlyweds as we were, we made the decision to leave our orderly lives in Stockholm to get a taste of expat life in Dubai, UAE. Having more or less achieved the experiences we’d longed for, Daniel and I found ourselves doing a hell lot of soulsearching again. About how to align our newfound values with the lifestyle we had. Where we wanted our kids to grow up. What happiness is. And so we took a leap of faith – again.
Revamping one’s life is always hard. And scary. Doing it with two small kids while preggo in week 34 with a third takes it to another level. Resigning. Taking the kids out of school. Finding new ways of making our living. Trusting it.
Hard doesn’t however mean it shouldn’t be done. And so we did it. After a lot of research and even more contemplation, we moved continents to finally land in Costa Rica!
The first week in the capital San Jose where we were trying to figure out some practicalities while fighting a brutal jetlag was probably one of the toughest in my life. And yet I have faith it had to be done.
And boy has my #nontoxic life been turned upside down! Teflon pans in the air bnbs we’ve rented so far, water from plastic bottles, barely any organic produce to be found, few – if any – wholefood vegan options when dining out – just to name a few of the challenges.
I hope however that working on our #nontoxicsteps we have sketched in our minds will pay off in the long run.
So in case there’s something you’ve been longing to do but have been postponing it “because it’s not the right time”, here comes the push I suspect you may need: Do it! And have faith. Life’s short.
Pura vida folks!