Clean living,  Health

True health is not in the pills

What you see in the picture above is a stack of pancakes. What I see is a struggle 🙃

Why? Since we’ve moved to Costa Rica, I’ve had hard time finding quality products that I was used to purchasing in Dubai – online or offline alike. Here they are  either not available or cost a fortune. So the way out is getting creative!

Like making pancakes with locally produced cassava and bread fruit flour I’d never tried before. The non-organic wheat nonsense that they sell in the stores here is enriched with folic-acid and a cocktail of synthetic B vitamins that I’d rather avoid (a side note for pregnant ladies and those trying to conceive – you need folate, NOT folic acid). So much of a Blue Zone, huh? 

While the jungle is full of medicinal plants, herbs and fruits – the supermarket shelves here are loaded with “weapons of mass destruction”. That’s what I call food products that cost more to market than to produce.

Why bother looking for something else instead of accepting the convenience offered by the supermarkets? Because what we consume as well as what we choose to avoid or limit affects our wellbeing. And yes, non-toxic living journey can be far from straight-forward – because it’s not mainstream. Yet.

The truth is that health is not in the pills. You’ll not find it in the Black Friday shopping cart either. It’s in the boring and seemingly unimportamt day-to-day choices we make. The small #nontoxicsteps we take. Like picking flour that nurtures rather than poisens us.

I’ve been criticized for being too rigid when it comes to making clean choices for my family. That I should ”loosen up” and ”live a little instead”. Well, consuming what makes us ill is not my kind of fun #sorrynotsorry. Although I’m definetely working on stressing less and letting go of things that matter less.

So choose fresh organic whole foods. Support local farmers. Grow a food forest. There’s always a choice. It might just not be the most convenient one – and that’s ok!

So bring it on Costa Rica! I’ll stand my ground. Like that stack of pancakes.

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