Why toxins make us sick?
Toxins cause disease. That’s why it’s so important to both avoid and remove/reduce your toxic load.
Looping back to my previous post, our state of health is reflection of the environment we live in. Air, water, food, products we use, radiation and stress are some our most common exposures.
When toxins enter our bodies they immediately begin causing damage. Despite its source, every toxin uses the same method of creating physiological damage – oxidative stress, or oxidative damage. It’s a process whereby a toxin acts as a free radical that causes damage to the cell membrane. Oxidative stress can be simply seen as a rusting process. It’s the same process responsible for aging.
There are more and more scientists that believe that (virtually?) all chronic disease, whether it’s a heart disease, cancer, a neurological disorder or any other chronic condition for that matter, results from damaged cells as a consequence of oxidative damage and inflammation that follows. The disease that your body will eventually manifest will depend on where the damage took place as well as your particular genetic predisposition.

The good news is that there are countermeasures we all can take:
- Remove the source of toxicity
- Increase consumption of antioxidants
For me personally, the first point implies a life-long journey because it’s tricky to identify the source of toxicity and even the toxin itself given the over 80 000 chemicals that we are bombarded with daily. On top of that comes stress and EMF exposure. And once we identify the source, a new journey starts on finding the most efficient way of getting rid of the toxin.
The second part is somewhat easier.
Here are my best tips on how you can boost your levels of antioxidants to reverse the process of oxidation and help your body become a disease-fighting machine it’s been designed to be!