Coffee Enema: the whats and the hows
Constant exposure to environmental toxins is the root cause of most common diagnosis. Environmental toxins come in many forms: as herbicides/pesticides sprayed on our food, as chemicals in our water supply, as pharmaceutical drugs including antibiotics and vaccines, as EMFs, as car exhaust fumes laden with carbon dioxide, benzene, formaldehyde, as carcinogens from plastics manufacturing etc.
So if the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breath are all polluted, it goes almost without saying that our bodies that filter all these toxins are, unfortunately, polluted too.
Toxic overload creates oxidative stress and inflammation putting our bodies out of balance, or homeostasis. Eventually, disease develops – quicker so if we are under stress or trauma as they put pressure on our immune system making us less resilient to whatever we are bombarded with.
While we certainly can do a lot to reduce our exposure to the many sources of toxins, we cannot possibly eliminate them all. Making detoxing part of our self-care routine becomes literally a life-savior.
An ancient practice
Ancient texts speak of the Egyptians using water enemas in 1500BC.
The famous Maerck Manual had coffee enemas listed as a form of healing from 1890 until 1970s. Injured soldiers during WWII experienced healing and pain relief when nurses began using doctor’s leftover coffee for their enemas.
Dr Max Gerson popularized coffee enemas in the mid 1900s using them as the integral part of his protocol to treat cancer and other diseases naturally.
Why coffee enema?
If our detox pathways are not functioning properly, waste gets stuck in the colon. When this happens, these toxins start seeping into the body, tissues and liver. Detoxing the liver is like cleaning out a dirty air filter.
Regular use of enemas helps restore bowel movements and remove the waste being stored in the colon.
While water enemas are for cleaning the colon, coffee enemas are special in that they both cleanse colon and detox the liver. Water alone in an enema cannot detoxify the liver.
The liver filters all the blood in the body and breaks down toxic substances. As a matter of fact, every cell of blood in the body passes through the liver every 3 minutes. With the help of an enema, coffee is transported directly into the liver improving the liver’s and gallblader’s ability to eliminates toxins and carcinogenic metabolic waste.
Palmitic acid in caffeine is is believed to increase glutathione S-transferase (GST). That is an enzyme, which is part of the liver’s detoxification network. Coffee enemas increase S-transferase level over 500% in the liver and over 600% in the bowel.
What happens during the process is that palmitic acid exfoliates and stimulates the liver to increase bile flow. It also removes a layer of mucous from the colon’s surface and toxic build up along the membrane. The ingredients of coffee called Theophylline and Theobromine dilate the blood vessels in the liver and counter the inflammation in the gut.
Increased bile flow helps to remove parasites, poisons, yeast and germs that are washed out with the coffee solution during elimination.
Coffee enemas will also increase your gut PH so it is more alkaline. When your intestinal system is alkaline, you will have less parasites.
Benefits of a coffee enema
- Increases energy levels; improves mental clarity and focus
- Relieves headaches and migranes
- Helps with nausea
- Improves skin health
- Stimulates blood circulation
- Helps fight depression
- Repairs gut health
- Increases glutathione levels and strengthens immunity
- Fights free radicals and inflammation
- Reduces candida
- Eases menstrual cramping and bloating
- Contributes to hormone regulation
- Reduces chronic pain
- Accelerates cellular regeneration/anti-aging
- Helps with constipation
Why Enema Kit by Purelife Enema?
There are probably thousands of enema kits on the market. We at Non-toxic steps have chosen the absolute pioneers that have been producing the finest stainless steel enema kits since 2011. When your goal is to get rid of toxins, it’s extremely important not to introduce new ones when performing an enema. It applies both to the enema equipment and the coffee used.
The reason Purelife Enema only make stainless steel enema buckets in the US has to do with the regulations governing the non-toxicity of stainless steel. Their USA stainless steel comes form the US, and every sheet is tested for any impurities and toxins and, such as cadmium. The enema bucket are highly anti-corrosive, durable, and long lasting.
PureLife Silicone Enema Tubing is 100% non toxic high medical grade, FDA approved. It is flexible and translucent.
Same thing goes for coffee (or wheatgrass!) used for enemas. Never use conventional coffee. Even organic coffee is not good enough.
PureLife Enema Kits are recommended by leading health institutions, and used by naturopaths, chiropractors, acupuncturists and doctors for their patients.
How to do a coffee enema?
- Place 4 cups of filtered water into a medium saucepan and put on the stove. 1 Quart of coffee solution is needed for 1 coffee enema.
- Place 1-3 tablespoons of enema coffee tested for mold and toxins into the pot and stir in
- Turn the stove on high and bring it to a boil.
- Cook for 5 minutes on high
- Turn down the stove to a simmer, cover and cook for 15 minutes more.
- Remove from stove and let cool to room temerature (or put it in the freezer for a quicker cooling down).
- Once the coffee has cooled off, check to make sure that the clamp on the tubing is closed.
- Take your coffee enema strainer and put over the bucket, and slowly pour the cooled coffee solution into it. This will strain out the coffee grounds so they don’t clog your tubing or nozzle. You can also French press instead .
- Take your enema hose and aim it into your sink or toilet. Open up he clamp and allow the coffee solution to run through the tube to push the air in the tube out. Then quickly clamp your hose shut.
- You can hang your bucket on a doorknob, or over the towel rack or in the shower on the rack if you are going to lay down in the bathtub. Do not hang your enema bucket more than 18 inches higher than where your bottom will be. You don’t want a real fast flow. You can also sit your bucket on the toilet seat or a stool or counter top.
- Place an enema blanket /pad/towel on the floor or in a bathtub.
- If you haven’t had a regular bowel movement, do a water or chamomile tea enema prior holding the coffee enema. The water will clean out the colon or empty it, so it is not so disruptive when you put coffee in.
- Take a binder (e.g. activated charcoal) to mop up toxins and preventing them from being reabsorbed through intestinal wall.
- When laying down comfortably, gently insert the (lubed) enema nozzle or enema tip. Open up the clamp and allow the enema solution to flow through slowly.
- Lay on your left side 3-5min, back 5min, right side 5min and then back on your left 3-5min. Hold The Coffee Solution in For 15 Minutes. I
If you feel gas or pressure – stop. You are possibly letting the coffee go in too fast. Allow your body to accept some enema coffee and then close the clamp and let your body adjust to it. Then open the clamp and let more solution in until 2-4 cups are inside your body. It’s ok if you’re unable to keep the entire 4 cups of coffee enema solution right away. If you can only put 2 cups in, hold it for 15 minutes, and then do a second coffee enema with the remaining 2 cups .
Using an enema retention nozzle, instead of the traditional straight nozzle also helps hold the coffee solution in.
Make sure your mind is calm and peaceful when doing the coffee enema. If you are nervous or upset, it can affect your colon and the tension will make it harder to hold the coffee enema in. Diffusing essential oils, red light therapy or music can significantly increase your ability to relax while retaining the coffee.
16. After 15 Minutes, Go to the Toilet and Release the Enema. Gerson Therapy specifies that in order to detox the liver, the patient must take in 4 cups of coffee and retain the enema within for 15 minutes if possible. This allows the coffee to travel up the portal vein, open the bile ducts, and circulate to remove the toxins.
17. Remineralize . Because coffee enemas can disturb the electrolytes and minerals in your body, you can take a mineral supplement like Quinton Isotonic or Quinton Hypertonic after. If your diet is rich with raw vegetables and fruits, you may be fine without a supplement.
You can also watch this video on how to prepare and do a coffee enema
Why using an ultra clean enema coffee is so important?
You don’t want anything impure going into your liver. Purelife Enema only buys a specialty grade bean which is:
- Mold and fungus free. Coffee is known for heavy chemical spraying and also mold loves coffee, so you don’t want to buy from the store if you can help it.
- Double organic certified. Purelife Enema coffee certified by the USDA as 100% Organic, but it is also certified again by another 2nd agency The Oregon Tilth. It is thoroughly tested as to its organic origins, and is certified chemical free. Purelife Enema specializes in coffee for enema therapy because it is crucial the coffee be as pure as possible. Specialty grade beans are in the top 3 percent, which means they are of the highest quality.
- Air-roasted. All enema coffees that PureLife manufactures are air-roasted, and not drum roasted. Store purchased coffee is drum roasted using fire to heat up the beans to remove the shaft of the bean. This fire can burn the beans. In fact, California Proposition 65 warns that fire drum roasted coffee may contain harmful carcinogens. And fire roasting can leave some of the beans shaft residue in the coffee.
PureLife air roasting process pops off the skin of the bean through the use of air. It is similar to popping corn. And you will never get burnt “unclean” beans. It is the cleanest coffee you can buy for a liver detox.
Which roasting method to choose?
Medium Roast Enema Coffee: best for those just starting out and those who don’t want or need a powerful caffeine level. It has a gentle, yet thorough, detox action. Medium roast is recommended by Gerson for their patients. It will have less caffeine, but it will be the best for improving antioxidants like glutathione. Best seller at Purelife Enema. .
Light Roast Enema Coffee: Slightly higher in caffeine and palmitic acid. Works well for beginners or advanced. Higher in caffeine means more stimulation of the bile ducts to open.
If you still have questions, I’d highly recommend consulting a Coffe Enema instructional booklet by Purelife Enema.
To order a coffee enema kit, please click here. If you’re curious to learn more about other available detox strategies, check out these about other detox tools and detox supplements we currently have available.
Con mucho amor,
Milda & Co